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Media and Web Coverage of Our Lab's Research

(Before reading any of the below you might want to first check out this comic)

Appearance on Podcasts:

  • The Neural Network: AI and ML in Cognitive Neuroscience (part 1, Aug 2024)
  • Watercooler Neuroscience (full episode, July 2021)
  • Watercooler Neuroscience ('think fast', Mar 2021)
  • Computing Up (Feb 2020)
  • CogNation (July 2019)
  • New Hampshire Public Radio (Feb 2011)
  • NPR Science Friday (July 2009)
  • Genes to Brains to Mental Health (July 2009)
  • Science Magazine podcast (Oct 2007)

    Press / lay coverage of journal articles:

    Linking brain models of working memory to large language models (2024, preprint)

  • Carney press release

    Dissecting brain manipulations that affect human decision making; implications for impulsivity (2024, Current Biology)

  • Carney interview
  • Broader commentary on this work by Damien Herz MD, PhD in Current Biology

    Computational insights into mechanisms of learning and choice (2023, eLife and Journal of Neuroscience)

  • Carney interview

    Dopamine waves and credit assignment (2021, Cell) (journal article here)

  • Carney press release

    Dopamine and cost/benefit calculus for cognitive motivation (2020, Science) (journal article here)

  • ADHD Drugs Cause Brain to Focus on Benefits of Work, Not the Costs
  • Science Daily
  • NIH Research Matters
  • How Ritalin works: focus on benefits rather than costs of work
  • Inverse Magazine
  • Brown press release

    Neural surprise has opposite effects on learning depending on statistical context (2019, eLife) (journal article here)

  • Carney Institute press release

    Human EEG decoding of separable but interacting contributions to learning (2018, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) (journal article here)

  • Science Daily

    Prefrontal cortex and hierarchical rules in infants (2016, Journal of Neuroscience) (journal article here)

  • Science Daily

    Conflict acts as a cost in reinforcement learning: EEG, pharmacology and genetics (2014, Nature Communications) (journal article here)

  • Science Daily
  • Futurity

    Schizophrenia and working memory impairments in reinforcement learning (2014, Journal of Neuroscience) (journal article here)

  • Schizophrenia Research Forum
  • Science 2.0
  • Medical Daily

    Why do we value free choice? (2014, Neuron) (journal article here)

  • Brown Press Release
  • Why Dinner Tastes Better If You Chose The Restaurant
  • Science Daily
  • NBC news

    EEG reveals that people discover generalizable rule structures when learning (2014, Journal of Neuroscience) (journal article here)

  • Neuroscience News
  • Brown Daily Herald

    Corticostriatal contributions to output gating of working memory (2014, Neuron) (journal article here)

  • Science Daily

    Prefrontal theta oscillations in adaptive control in humans and rats (2013, Nature Neuroscience) (journal article here)

  • Science Daily
  • My Science
  • News and Views Nature Neuroscience

    Prefrontal theta overrides Pavlovian learning biases (2013, Journal of Neuroscience) (journal article here)

  • Science Daily
  • Northeast Public Radio, Academic Minute

    Rostrolateral prefrontal cortex and uncertainty-driven exploration (2012, Neuron) (journal article here)

  • Science Daily
  • Video Abstract

    Fronto-subthalamic regulation of decision threshold (2011, Nature Neuroscience) (journal article here)

  • Science Daily
  • New Hampshire Public Radio (NHPR) "Word of Mouth" 10/3/11 / Podcast (mp3)
  • Time Magazine Online

    Neurogenetics of Confirmation Bias, Interactions between Advice and Experiential Learning (2011, Journal of Neuroscience) (journal article here)

  • Scientific American
  • e-Science news
  • Discover Magazine
  • Interview with
  • London Daily Mail (UK)

    Neurogenetics of Exploration and Exploitation (2009, Nature Neuroscience) (journal article here)

  • e-Science news
  • National Public Radio (NPR) "Science Friday" (July 24, 2009) / Podcast (mp3)
  • Genes to brains to mental health (blog) / Dr John Fossella interviews Dr Frank / Podcast (mp3)
  • 23 and me Blog
  • New Scientist Magazine

    Parkinson's, Deep Brain Stimulation, and Impulsiveness (2007, Science) (journal article here)

  • Science Neuroscience news of the week
  • Neurology Today
  • IEEE Spectrum
  • ABC News
  • Science Daily
  • Reuter's
  • Audio interview about this research on Science Podcast (mp3)

    Dopamine, Genetics, and Reinforcement Learning (2007, PNAS and 2007, CABN) (journal article here)

  • Genes may hold the keys to how humans learn
  • Biology of Reinforcement---Dopamine Linked to Three Separate Reward Paths
  • Neurogenetic basis of Oops!
  • Dopamine genes dissociate neural mechanisms for complex decision making

    Intuition and Brain Memory Systems (2006, Psychological Science ) (journal article here)<

  • The Chemistry of Logic
  • Intuition enhanced by drug
  • Using Intuition

    Brain Signals of Reinforcement (2005, Neuron) (journal article here)

  • Insight into the processes of positive and negative learners
  • New insight into the neural computational functions

    Popular Press Articles on Basal Ganglia Function (2007, Dana Press )

  • Cerebrum: "Go" and "NoGo" Learning and the Basal Ganglia (written by Prof Frank)
  • Brain Work: Basal Ganglia Contribute to Learning, but Also Certain Disorders

    Parkinson's, Medication, Dopamine and Reinforcement Learning (2004, Science) (journal article here)

  • Study Gauges Dopamine Effect on Parkinson's Patients
  • Parkinson's study sheds light on dopamine learning effects
  • The dopamine connection: learning likes and dislikes

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